GCS Notification 功能實作 (一):應用於 Cloud Functions
1. 開啟 Cloud functions & Cloud storage API
2. 確保有安裝 Cloud SDK
3. 確保有 Node.js & nvm 開發環境
建立 Bucket 與測試資料
1. 創立一個 Cloud Storage Bucket, [Bucket名稱] = 自訂的bucket
$ gsutil mb gs://[Bucket名稱]
2. 創立並移動至目錄夾
$ mkdir ~/gcf_gcs
$ cd ~/gcf_gcs
3. 在 gcf_gcs 的目錄下建立 index.js 並貼入以下的程式
$ touch index.js
$ vim index.js
(以下為 javascript)
exports.helloGCSGeneric = (event, callback) => {
const file = event.data;
const context = event.context;
console.log(`Event ${context.eventId}`);
console.log(` Event Type: ${context.eventType}`);
console.log(` Bucket: ${file.bucket}`);
console.log(` File: ${file.name}`);
console.log(` Metageneration: ${file.metageneration}`);
console.log(` Created: ${file.timeCreated}`);
console.log(` Updated: ${file.updated}`);
Object Finalize Event (更新動作)
1. 這個功能在有新的 object 被寫入或是更新 bucket 時會被觸發:
2. 在 gcf_gcs 的目錄下部署此功能
$ gcloud beta functions deploy helloGCSGeneric --trigger-resource [Bucket名稱] --trigger-event google.storage.object.finalize
3. 去觸發此功能
$ touch gcf-test.txt // 新增檔案
$ gsutil cp gcf-test.txt gs://[Bucket名稱] // 複製檔案到Bucket
$ gcloud beta functions logs read --limit 50 // 查看log
4. 成功執行會看到最下方有剛剛複製檔案到 cloud storage 的 log
I helloGCSGeneric 72659071387910 2018-04-09 08:06:35.589 Bucket: [Bucket名稱]
I helloGCSGeneric 72659071387910 2018-04-09 08:06:35.589 File: gcf-test.txt
I helloGCSGeneric 72659071387910 2018-04-09 08:06:35.589 Metageneration: 1
I helloGCSGeneric 72659071387910 2018-04-09 08:06:35.589 Created: 2018-04-09T08:06:33.656Z
I helloGCSGeneric 72659071387910 2018-04-09 08:06:35.589 Updated: 2018-04-09T08:06:33.656Z
Object Delete Event (刪除動作)
1. 部署此功能
$ gcloud beta functions deploy helloGCSGeneric --trigger-resource [Bucket名稱] --trigger-event google.storage.object.delete
2. 新增一個檔案
$ touch gcf-delete.txt
3. 確保bucket 是 non-versioning (object versioning: 當此功能被開啟時,每次有修改或是刪除動作時,Cloud Storage會自動對目前bucket的內容形成一個unique的檔案)
$ gsutil versioning set off gs://[Bucket名稱]
4. 上傳 gcf-delete.txt 檔案到bucket 並刪除檔案
$ gsutil cp gcf-delete.txt gs://[Bucket名稱] //上傳
$ gsutil rm gs://[Bucket名稱]/gcf-delete.txt //刪除
$ gcloud beta functions logs read --limit 50 // 查看log
5. 查看log 是否有確實刪除檔案
D helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.546 Function execution started
I helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.780 Event 72660870238980
I helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.788 Event Type: google.storage.object.delete
I helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.788 Bucket: [Bucket名稱]
I helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.788 File: gcf-delete.txt
I helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.788 Metageneration: 1
I helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.788 Created: 2018-04-09T09:02:27.332Z
I helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.788 Updated: 2018-04-09T09:02:27.332Z
D helloGCSGeneric 72660870238980 2018-04-09 09:02:49.882 Function execution took 337 ms, finished with status: 'ok'
Object Archive Event (歸檔動作)
1. 此功能只能執行在 versioning bucket 上。當一個舊版本的 Object 被 archive,也就是當一個 Object 被修改或是刪除時,Archive event 會被觸發。
2. 建立一個 index.js 檔案並且貼上與上方相同的程式碼
3. 部署此功能
$ gcloud beta functions deploy helloGCSGeneric --trigger-resource [Bucket名稱] --trigger-event google.storage.object.archive
1. 新增一個檔案
$ touch gcf-archive.txt
2. 確保bucket 是 versioning
$ gsutil versioning set on gs://[Bucket名稱]
3. 上傳 gcf-archive.txt 檔案到 bucket 並刪除檔案去觸發 archive
$ gsutil cp gcf-archive.txt gs://[Bucket名稱] //上傳
$ gsutil rm gs://[Bucket名稱]/gcf-archive.txt //刪除
$ gcloud beta functions logs read --limit 50 // 查看log
4. 查看 log 是否有確實刪除檔案去觸發 archive
D helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.205 Function execution started
I helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.410 Event 72691716149423
I helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.422 Event Type: google.storage.object.archive
I helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.422 Bucket: [Bucket名稱]I helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.422 File: gcf-archive.txt
I helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.422 Metageneration: 1
I helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.422 Created: 2018-04-09T09:27:08.460Z
I helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.422 Updated: 2018-04-09T09:27:08.460Z
D helloGCSGeneric 72691716149423 2018-04-09 09:27:40.516 Function execution took 376 ms, finished with status: 'ok'
Object Metadata Update
1. 此功能在 metadata object 被修改時會被觸發
2. 建立一個 index.js 檔案並且貼上與上方相同的程式碼
3. 部署此功能
$ gcloud beta functions deploy helloGCSGeneric --trigger-resource [Bucket名稱] --trigger-event google.storage.object.metadataUpdate
4. 新增一個檔案
$ touch gcf-metadata.txt
5. 確保 bucket 是 non-versioning
$ gsutil versioning set off gs://[Bucket名稱]
6. 上傳檔案並更新 metadata
$ gsutil cp gcf-metadata.txt gs://[Bucket名稱]
$ gsutil -m setmeta -h "Content-Type:text/plain" gs://[Bucket名稱]/gcf-metadata.txt
$ gcloud beta functions logs read --limit 50 // 查看log
7. 查看log
D helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:06.947 Function execution started
I helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.305 Event 70171271580852
I helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.313 Event Type: google.storage.object.metadataUpdate
I helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.313 Bucket: gcp-expert-csbucket
I helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.313 File: gcf-metadata.txt
I helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.313 Metageneration: 2
I helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.313 Created: 2018-04-09T09:46:56.932Z
I helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.313 Updated: 2018-04-09T09:47:05.567Z
D helloGCSGeneric 70171271580852 2018-04-09 09:47:07.414 Function execution took 467 ms, finished with status: 'ok'